

Have you ever woken up with one of your eyes being really red? Then, your mom screams go to the optician. Then after spending 3 hours, you find out, you just rubbed your eyes too much. Well, we have the solution for just that, heal.io. Your AI-powered health assistant. heal.io is just like Siri on your phone but it specialises in healthcare. All you have to do is enter your symptoms and answer a couple of more questions and voila! Within a matter of 0.89 seconds, heal.io will diagnose your health condition and suggest home remedies for the same. Still not satisfied? heal.io can also lookup doctors in your location and book them with just a few simple commands. So you never have to go through the hassle of calling your doctor again. heal.io is a simple offline chatbot, so essentially you don't even need the internet to diagnose your health condition. The smart AI-powered chatbot, currently, supports 24 different types of common health issues.

Why build heal.io?

Our extended research found out how and why people went to doctors. According to our research, an average Indian consults a doctor 8-9 times a year. The doctor-to-patient ratio is 1:1000 which is the worst ratio in the world. An Indian doctor barely sees his patient for 2 minutes and each patient on average waits for 19 minutes & 16 seconds. We thought is it worth the visit for such small issues. It is worth the waiting time. So, our team decided to take up Artificial Intelligence to improvise the medical consultation experience for patients. We chose artificial intelligence because the chances of it making errors are very few and it has high accuracy. Moreover, in the future artificial intelligence can also be personalized for your needs, it could schedule an appointment for you could or order medicines without manual intervention. It also helps doctors to save time and conduct online appointments.

Why heal.io is revolutionary?

Doctors have the world's second most pressurising jobs. Every minute is crucial! Every minute spent addressing the common cold, is every minute lost in potentially saving a man's life! Every time, you step out of the house with a common cold, you are risking infecting over 100+ people! When you can manage some of this at the comfort of your home why not? You could save the extra effort to plant a tree every time you don't visit the doctor! From the technical aspect, this model can be tweaked to add over 100+ health-related issues, it can also be integrated with health apps like Apple Health to predict health issues. This model can also be tweaked to support sharing services. For example, notifying your loved ones every time you are diagnosed with a health condition and automatically sharing your health data and records with your family!

Technical specs

Our project was based on Python & JSON and we utilised a number of sources libraries to make this project happen. We used NumPy, Random, gTTS, NLTK and TensorFlow. NumPy was used for complex mathematical calculations and creating arrays and, Random was used for module functions. We then used more complex libraries such as NLTK, and Natural Language Processing Toolkit to allow the chatbot to sound like humans and communicate like one. gTTS was also used in addition to NLTK, to allow the chatbot to output sound responses. TensorFlow, like all artificial intelligence models, was the brain of the project, the library was used for machine learning. The JSON file stored the strings for the health conditions which were processed by TensorFlow. With all of these libraries and the combination of the right code, your personal health assistant was made possible.

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